Happy New Year, 2010!

A new day, a new year, a new decade! Yay!

This weekend will be a great one as I put away my Christmas decorations and remove some of the "extras" (code word, clutter) around the house. I've always battled the what to keep mentality. So, if I were to have any New Year resolution it is to begin to rid myself of things that simply aren't being used anymore. I intend to stop hinging huge memories onto items that don't hold them. My memories are mine and no one thing can keep them or take them away from me.

Yesterday, I de-cluttered my work space and it felt so good. I've been there 4 years now, and inherited a lot of stuff. My work space has some areas around it that are for the general population in our office. My desk is an angled corner desk monstrosity that was hand-built by someone long before my employ; he put a ton of labor into it, really, constructed of heavy oak and is probably the safest and sturdiest structure in the whole building. It's set up in such a way that there are a ton of cubbies for different forms and so on; when someone needs a form for a fax, for instance, they hover over me to select the form they need from one of the cubbie holes. Before I came along, if there was a book or an item that the company wasn't sure they would use or not, it went up on one of the shelves. The printer for all the computers is also a residence in my structure and sits nearly at my elbow. Finally, knowing a new employee was about to join the ranks, I looked around at my space and said to my boss, I wanted to make some changes. He said, "Have at it. It's your space." Why did it take me nearly 4 years to call it my own? I'm not sure why I hang onto things or am reluctant to change things out when they're not mine, but I intend to change that now! After all, when I am an elderly senior citizen and have nowhere to go but to one of my sons, I'm sure they won't want me to bring much more than a box or two. I better get busy!

Preparing for the New Year brought me to reading my bible last night. I love the Word of God, especially in relation to recovery. What great promises and hope He gives us!

Here is one I particularly liked for today:

"Do not call to mind the former things,
Or ponder things of the past.
"Behold, I will do something new,
Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it?"
(Isaiah 43:18:19, The Message)

Putting aside the old and bringing in the new! Do not hang onto the past heartaches and mistakes Laura! What good will come of it? If I am hanging onto the past it's very possible I will miss the new thing He's putting right into my path!

Thankfully, we always get a new start. Each morning we get to try again. If we are truly working toward a healthy new goal, we get to restart as often as we need too!

Happy New Year ~ It's in our grasp if we so choose!


Tall Kay said...

What a beautiful New Years message! "Even God cannot change the past." Happy new beginnings in this new year! Here's to looking forward ~ one day at a time!

Michael Horvath said...

Great message, but of course the bible is full of them. Psalms and Isaiah always seem to speak to me the most.

Syd said...

Thanks for this. It is a message of great hope.