A Love Filled Weekend.....

Well, nearly a week has gone by without much writing.  Oh, in my thinking and self-talk I've been writing like a fiend but in actuality of pen to paper so to speak, I've been rather silent.  

Like most people in my circle of life, the summer pushes us around a little bit as we try to fit in every possible opportunity that comes our way because the dog-days are short in Michigan.  We had such a loooooooong winter to spring this season struggling to move into warm weather we've had to stuff more activities than humanly possible into about 9 weeks of sweet weather.  Typically, I'm a fall/winter fan but I must confess that this year I've been trying to enjoy each day as I know this season is fleeting.

Last weekend was full of activity and it was lovely! On Saturday, I picked up my soon-to-be 90 year old father and we went to the Scottish Highland Games hosted locally.  This is something we've been doing together probably for the last five years, at least.  Sometimes it requires several hours in the car traveling through Michigan or we might be crossing into Canada, which is like crossing a state line for us, or for this event, we stayed close to home. The day was especially enjoyable as the weather was quite cooperative and allowed my Dad a decent stretch of time outside enjoying the festivities.  In my youth, St. Andrews Day in Detroit was celebrated in August on Boblo Island which provided an especially fun day to honor our heritage along with the added adventure of an amusement park on the Island.  You could only get to Boblo by boat which added to the specialness of the day.  The different bagpipe bands would warm up and practice on the boat, and nobody seemed to mind as it was in our roots and we were raised to know this part of who we were and celebrate together. The day was magical!  To play games, have a picnic, ride the rides all the while hearing the strains of bagpipe competition ringing through the air and watching the young girls dressed in clan tartan performing a Highland Fling in competition is a fond memory in my books.

We were very aware of our heritage in our childhood, at least on my fathers side. We have documentation tracing our family roots back many generations to Lochgilphead, Scotland and enjoy all the believed history of our family's presence in Scotland and their historic travels to land where they have and put down their roots.  The Highland Games are filled with pipe and drum corps along with dancing competitions as well as strongman type challenges.  And if you've never been, the games also include an area where the Clan Tents are set up by Clan Name and folks can wander through the rows of tables to see where they might have a connection.  I always enjoy the conversations that begin with "my great grandmother was a ..." or "we were always told about our grandfather's family that traveled from"  and so we begin to look up details that we can offer where they may find a genealogy connection.  It's a proud heritage and the Scots have added so much to the history of the United States you'll find the world wide web is full of articles and stories of how the Scots have greatly influenced this country.

Here's a link to a very small list of fun facts: https://www.scotclans.com/10-ways-scotland-influenced-the-usa/ . From indentured slavery to freedom and from railroads to bluegrass you'll find Scots blood running through it.

Do you know your family story? Have you examined the how's and why's of who you are?  You can't necessarily change anything about your family history or DNA but you may find some wonderful facts that you didn't know if you begin to trace your roots.   Where did your great grandparents live? What was their background?  The USA is so young in many ways and being known early on as the "melting pot" possibly lends itself to a smattering of different backgrounds running through your veins.

The fun-filled, love-filled event of Saturday rolled into Sunday when I drove over to Grand Rapids which is about 2 hours west of where I live, to say "Bon-voyage" to a special young man in my life.  I had only learned on Wednesday or Thursday that D had been offered a job at his alma mater in Florida as the head coach of their Lacrosse Team.  He held that position at MSU for one year, but it wasn't an official program with a livable salary or benefits so when the opportunity came along, D jumped at it.  And, why not? He will be doing something he truly loves, is very good at, and getting paid too.  What a win for D!  Additionally, I had time to chat with D's parents and family and met his lady love too. It was a sweet, sweet day!

The weekend ended with many miles under my feet and an undeniable feeling of peace in my love-filled heart.  I hope you have something planned for yourself this weekend that will fill you up with joy.  If your circle can't offer you the peace and love you need, find another circle.  Go to church, join a community volunteer group, drop in on a senior home and paint someone's finger nails, read a book to a child or any other thing that brings you that little extra that you've been missing.  It's out there and you can have it, too!

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