The Bun Bar Challenge

It’s a new week which brings a new Monday.  This past weekend was a scorcher in the Detroit area just as it was across the nation, it seems.  Wicked temperatures brought wild storms as is often the case when the temps run amok.  Attending a women’s event on Saturday seemed like a wonderful option to the blazing, burning temperatures outside until the air-conditioning rebelled indoors.  Somehow, when you’re with people you really enjoy you can handle the heat just a wee bit better even if only for a short while.

A dear friend who I’ll refer to as Ms. Chica, was at this event and I find her quite comfortable to chat with.  We know each other well and are Spiritual Sisters who’ve removed the safety net of friendship and have bared our souls at times.  We are well-connected, have felt some of the same pains of loved ones in addiction and shared the most intimate secrets of sin in our lives that we’ve asked the Holy Spirit to change in us.  We pray together, we laugh together, and we cry together too as we long for relational wellness of those we love.  As we began to chat during a scrumptious lunch, Ms. Chica began talking about a new app on her phone helping her through the many choices of the day regarding food and exercise and told about checking in with her coach to see how she’s doing on the big scoreboard of goals.  This weight loss website, though I don’t think they refer to themselves that way,  has been touting a new way on FB, IG, in magazines, on SiriusXM radio and any other venue available. And of course, for a fee, they will walk with you through the travails of your ups and downs of exercise, food options and life goals.  Now, I’ve been considering this advertised website because I’m always looking for a little support when I delve into uncharted territory.  Oh, I’ve traveled this path before, but usually in a solitary way and while I invite some friends to “help” me it’s usually a request with a stiff-armed invitation.  I think you know what I mean - in other words don't get to much into my business.

Today, Ms. Chica sent me a link for a little discount if I signed up for the 2-week trial.  I was curious so I began to click through the link from page to page taking in all the cute and encouraging anecdotes they offer in a very rah-rah atmosphere, but that’s really what I want isn’t it? Or I wouldn’t have even taken notice when Ms. Chica mentioned it on Saturday.

I wasn’t very busy this morning at work, so I began to answer the questions on this easy, convenient little app while I enjoyed the taste of a Maple Bun Bar from my stash in my desk drawer.  The app asked “Are you a diabetic”? Yes, I am. (Some would think this in itself should be enough motivation, but as the apostle Paul said in Romans, "Why do I do the things I hate?!?") The app continued: “Do you promise to weigh yourself each morning? Good Habits have to begin somewhere.” Yes, I replied. I would if I had a scale, I thought to myself, as I ate another bite of my Bun Bar.  My little electronic friend asked about mealtimes. “Do you eat at the same time every day?”  Hmmmmm, no not always I thought to myself and clicked the button with the same answer.  Finally, of course, comes the question about activity in my life.  Well, I USED to……

I signed up for the free trial to see what they will do with a rebellious, lazy and hungry person like me.  Will it challenge me to give up Mr. Bun Bar?  Of course, science says you need to practice new habits for about 2 months before they become routine.  I wonder what the nudging will cost me after 14 days. It might be worth it but I’ll keep you posted! 

PS....Mr. Bun Bar is Gluten Free! ;)