Sometimes, however, this day invokes some uneasy feelings for many people. Especially in areas of addiction and recovery. Sadness undermines the day especially for those who've lost a loved one to the dark ways of the needle, pills, liquid poison or any other substance.
And a day like this can also be an extremely painful day for countless other women and for countless other reasons as they long for what they do not have.
In the past when my eyes would take in all those supposed happy family scenario's around me it was more than I could bear. Over the years at most major holidays, I've had to choose to gear up against the culture's definition of any of those days because our family life was overshadowed with unhealthy relationships. But the truth is Christmas is not about diamonds, Valentine's day does not have to be just about romantic love and Mother's day is not about the perfect mom.
Why do we, the uncelebrated women, wait for other's to celebrate us on this day? Why should we let someone else tell us whether we measure up as a mom worthy of all the adoration her family can muster? My life didn't always resemble the norm and sometimes the chaos of all that was going on just wouldn't allow me to find my way out. I was a traditional soul with an unconventional spirit. For me, this day used to be just another struggle filled with unfulfilled expectations and deep pain. My dreams were often dashed on days like this.
Yet, we can choose to change that. It's all about perspective and getting your eyes off of self. I had to teach myself this so long ago when days like this would come along and I would be alone. Now my perspective is different and my dreams are for dreaming. I celebrate the fact that I gave life and to the best of my ability I gave direction and guidance. I encouraged, applauded and hopefully soothed some broken hearts.
And the real truth of today: I loved my sons with all my heart.
So, that being said I will celebrate this day with gusto! I celebrate the fact that my Creator and Redeemer has spoken truth into my soul that reaches the deepest places and has given me new life. I will enjoy this day with love, applauding all those women who have poured into the lives of others. You may have been the mom but very possibly you've been an amazing aunt, teacher, sister, cousin, friend or mentor who has lifted the esteem of a child that needed to hear those words, those very words, that set them on the path of productivity and viable living.
And if your heart has a lot of painful, empty holes regarding your children, spend some time with the Lord and ask Him to stand in the gap and take the pain away. I promise you, He will.
Celebrate yourself today for sure with a great cup of coffee, breakfast out at your favorite diner, worshipping with your faith family or a barbecue with YOUR favorite foods. Buy yourself a fragrant bouquet or curl and read that long awaited brainless novel if you'd like. Then and only then, share the rest of your day with your family if you're so inclined. No matter what your family or your life looks like today, you can be sure that you are loved by your Creator! Celebrate it!