The Most Wonderful Day of the Year?

So for many people this isn't the most wonderful day of the year.  And now the escalation of loneliness, sorrow and sadness seems insurmountable and so we hide out to drink, to use or to wail alone with tears that do not end.  But like the Grinch found out, this day came whether the Who's in Whoville had gifts, trees, ribbons and bows, or had nothing at all. The Spirit of Joy that day was in their heart and not in their circumstances. This revelation comes to each of us in our own way on our own day. But I encourage you to not let one more day go by with toxic thoughts that keep you from the Perfect Love that can sustain you and move you out from your trough and into freedom from the bondage of addiction, alcoholism and even enabling.

If you are in recovery, call a friend, go to a meeting, or spend an hour with someone that will give you some of their strength to carry on. If you aren't in recovery but battle with one that you had hoped would be, stop battling and reach out as well to others waiting for a kind word or a hug or a pair of gloves they desperately need. Share a meal and share a laugh.

Truly, each day can be The Most Wonderful Day of The Year if you let the light of His Perfect Love come to stay in your heart, soul and mind.

Merry Christmas

 *Picture googled*

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